Your living room is often where you host your guests, enjoy your family nights in and laze around on your days off. With that said, you sure do spend a lot of time in there. Therefore, you want it to be clean and fresh not only for your guests but for you to enjoy as well.

Spotless Living Room Cleaning Service

Anita’s Home Cleaning will take that responsibility off your hands with our thorough living room cleaning services. Our services don’t stop at the obvious tasks like dusting shelves and vacuuming, we will ensure that every crevice and under every piece of furniture is spotless.

Carpet-friendly Cleaning for your Living Room

The living room is bound to receive a lot of foot traffic every day. That is why you will find marks and visible tracks can build up on your carpets quite quickly. Not only will standard cleaning methods like vacuuming and harsh steam cleaning only scratch the surface, they will also damage your floors, shortening the lifespan of your carpets. As professionals in the trade, we know how to give your floors a deep clean that won’t harm your carpets and rugs, and will have them looking better than ever.

Booking a cleaning service with Anita’s Home Cleaning can be easily done by going to our simple booking platform here.

Alternatively, to speak with our friendly team call 800-286-1607.

Extra Services

Inside refrigerator – We remove any bacteria that may be lurking in your fridge by sanitizing all shelves and surfaces. Please empty your fridge prior to your booked cleaning service. Just to make sure we don’t accidentally throw away your awaited leftovers!

Inside oven – I’m sure you’ve tried your hand at scrubbing the inside of your oven before. That built up oil and residue can be stubborn as anything. With the proper products and methods, we can remove it in no time. This clean is recommended every couple of months to remain on top of those hard to budge stains.

Inside cabinets – When moving in or out of your home, cleaning the inside of cabinets is just a small priority on your to do list, yet it is often the most time consuming. We can take this task off you so that you can focus on the more important things. Please remove everything from your cabinets before your booked clean.

Baseboards – Baseboards are all through your home, in every room. Unfortunately, because of their awkward angle they are hard to tackle. Luckily, we have the correct tools to efficiently get the job done, there will be no more back aching scrubbing of your baseboards for you.

Interior windows – Your windows will be crystal clear in no time. As we have the right tools and cleaning products at hand, we can easily clean out window tracks, sills and even your blinds.

Wall washing – From precious little finger marks, to splatters of last weeks spaghetti, the walls all through your home can become covered in marks and smudges over time. By keeping on top of their cleaning on a regular basis, you won’t have to worry about damage to your paint, or an unnecessarily grueling clean when you decide to move out.